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The CISO role is changing. Here’s what it means for you.

In today’s digital world, information security is a paramount concern for organizations of all shapes ...
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There are plenty of phish in the sea.

You know the old adage, “there are plenty of fish in the sea,” generally used ...
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Attacks involving mobile apps are up. Here’s how to audit your cybersecurity

We all use apps. A lot. There are over 2 million to choose from on ...
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Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises

2023 has been off to a crazy start, with the third week of January alone ...
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skull on graphic background representing davos fragmentation

Cybersecurity calls for ‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World’

Each January, global and business leaders gather in Davos, Switzerland to discuss issues and initiatives ...
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graphic where statistics regarding cybersecurity are present

Thinking about your security goals for 2023? You should be.

In 2022 ransomware attacks increased by more than 130%, and that isn’t expected to decrease ...
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gif where a mouse clicks on a folder and opens an alert

Access Denied: Information availability is crucial to your security planning.

Recent news reports highlight an oft overlooked cybersecurity threat impacting law firms: data unavailability / ...
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infographic about email scams

A Year of Cybersecurity Breaches in Review: Old and New Trends in 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, we’d like to take a look back at the ...
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Is the call coming from inside the house?

Remember the movie when the girl who is home alone is getting increasingly threatening phone ...
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Are you experiencing a
Security Incident?

We are here to help 24/7. In addition to providing immediate assistance, Digital Silence offers a suite of remediation services designed to help organizations get back to business.