What truly differentiates Digital Silence, more than what we are, is who we are.

We offer a breadth of industry experience and credentials, plus a level of sophistication that provides invaluable protection. But we’re more than that.


What truly differentiates Digital Silence, more than what we are, is who we are.

We offer a breadth of industry experience and credentials, plus a level of sophistication that provides invaluable protection. But we’re more than that.

From the very first, Digital Silence has pursued greatness in terms of serving its clients. We listen. We explain. We figure out how to address cybersecurity threats in ways that align with your business priorities. Then we execute and deliver. We are just plain good people, the kind you want on your team.

We've been in your shoes

Our staff includes people who have been on both sides of the cybersecurity consulting table, so we’ve been in your shoes. We know how frustrating it can be to end up with a lengthy report that either reads as tech gibberish or provides no meaningful direction. We’ve been on the receiving end of inattentive service because our job wasn’t big enough to help a security firm reach its quarterly numbers. Our passion is to be different.

Digital Silence’s stats attest to that difference: Our repeat customer rate for penetration testing is about 90 percent; we win almost 100 percent of direct referral business; and customers using our virtual Chief Information Security Officer services stick with us long-term, to the point that they become large enough to hire internal CISOs.

Notably, Digital Silence is owned by employees, giving us a vastly altered perspective from firms controlled by outside investors. We take a long-term, relational view, prioritizing what’s right for our clients and constantly preparing for the next generation of employee-owners. Our setup gives us the freedom to treat each client as a valued partner.

We can think like the bad guys — and like business execs

Then there’s our knowledge. With decades of combined experience in the public sector, private sector and U.S. military, we possess a wide range of skills and a deep understanding of today’s cybersecurity challenges. Our people are leaders in the field, having presented research at major security conferences such as DEF CON, BlackHat, DerbyCon, SecTOR, and 44con.

Our services fall within three general categories: incident response, security testing, and advisory services. But our value extends beyond basic cybersecurity measures — we understand how those measures apply in specific industries, with proficiencies spanning financial services, media & entertainment, industries that serve the public sector, health care, technology, law, and general industry.

Industry Insights

Are you experiencing a
Security Incident?

We are here to help 24/7. In addition to providing immediate assistance, Digital Silence offers a suite of remediation services designed to help organizations get back to business.